Torrington History Museum
“No Place Like Home: The History of Torrington”
Open seasonally Wednesday – Saturday 12-4 from April 16 – October 31, 2025
Visit our permanent exhibit, No Place Like Home: The History of Torrington to discover Torrington’s story. This interpretive exhibit features hundreds of artifacts, images and maps from the Society’s collection and traces the history of Torrington by delving into topics including geology, indigenous people, the Naugatuck River, industry and community. Learn how Torrington evolved into a 21st century city of approximately 35,000 people. In the process, you will discover how industry, immigration and innovation have shaped and continue to shape this city.
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Pursuit of Precision: The Hendey Machine Company 1870 to 1954
This award winning exhibit traces the history of the Hendey Machine Company.
The focal point of the exhibit is a machine shop from the 1930s equipped with three Hendey Company machine tools: a lathe, a shaper and a milling machine. All of the machines are fully operational and powered by a system of overhead pulleys and flat leather belts.
The exhibit is a case study in the rise and fall of one of the many manufacturing companies that were established in nineteenth century Torrington. It traces the rapid growth and success of the Hendey Machine Company and examines issues such as the American industrial revolution, labor and immigration.

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